Lipstick is Safe in a Bad Economy

Hello there. Today I've got a nice pot of almond-flavored coffee and fresh cinnamon butter cookies for our visit.

Don't worry about smudging your lipstick ladies. It looks as though there will be plenty of shades at your disposal no matter how bad the economy gets.

I just read an interesting article that says lipstick sales always go up when the economy starts to slide. Leonard Lauder, from Estee Lauder, noticed the trend and that's how the term "Leading Lipstick Indicator" was born.

It seems that lipstick sales doubled right after September 11 too. Right now lipstick sales are up 40% and neutral colors are the top sellers.

Whenever I'm having a bad day, lipstick always makes me feel better. It puts me in such a foul mood when a lipstick I've been using for years is discontinued.

Did you know that many makeup companies have a program that allows you to buy up their discontinued lipstick? I've never been so in love with a lipstick shade that I went as far as buying it from the manufacturer but apparently this is an obscure tactic to get rid of those warehouses full of discontinued items.

I do find it interesting that lipstick sales shoot up when sales of other items start to go down. I like to think it's because we women know we can always count on a tube of lipstick to help us feel refreshed.

Why do you think lipstick is so popular when the economy starts to look bleak?

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